Estimated shipping cost

Turning to the majority of the shipping companies which shipping containers to Russia , you are given only freight rates, without additional costs that will be in future.
"Proximo Group" Company gives full information about shipping cost, including all additional costs at the port of departure and port of arrival.


- Rates on FOB 20 "DC / DV condition:


Guangzhou ( Huangpu ) , Shenzhen - St. Petersburg $ 3150

Ningbo , Shanghai , Qingdao, Tientsin , Xiamen - St. Petersburg 3350 $

Drive up container to the loading place in Guangzhou , Shenzhen , under other terms of delivery 150 $ -300 $

Drive up container to the loading place in Ningbo , Shanghai , Qingdao, Tientsin , Xiamen , under other terms of delivery, supply $ 170 $ -350

Transportation container on St. Petersburg $ 400


- Rates on FOB 40DC/DV/HC condition:



Guangzhou ( Huangpu ) , Shenzhen - St. Petersburg 4150 $

Ningbo , Shanghai , Qingdao, Tientsin , Xiamen - St. Petersburg 4350 $

Drive up container to the loading place in Guangzhou , Shenzhen , under other terms of delivery 150 $ -300 $

Drive up container to the loading place in Ningbo , Shanghai , Qingdao, Tientsin , Xiamen , under other terms of delivery $ 170 $ -350

Transportation container on St. Petersburg $ 400

The price includes all costs in China and Russia. Prices may be changed, depending on the time of order, loading, etc. Delivery time is about 35 days